It's almost 3AM~ and abg just got home, antah cmana kah ea tahan ani HAHA! well pagi-pagi ea bangun kraja and everyday ea balik at masa-masa cmani ani. Mcm antah!!
Hello again! Hehe~ 
Say goodbye! ='( BYE!!
So umm~ aku balikkan sudah motor si ishak, so masani nda to ride on, back to basics saja, car haha! Dad did offered me something which was $30 a month, idk cmana usulnya haha! but i think i rejected it in a way haha! talur eyh but biar tia, stick with car tah saja dulu. HONDA R6 is my aim right now, sabar saja tia dulu bukannya sng brg cmatu atu kan kan haha!
Surely i would fall LOL!
Sooooww~ had sleepover at dano's masa wednesday punya malam, malam atu aku balikkan the motor and don't know cmana, kan sama my dad or abg malas jua. Bukan drang malas, i mean aku haha! So instead came up with the plan after test ah, si ayen plg yg suggested tu
I had to bring 2 bags while riding the motor, satu dapan which was the school bag and the other blakang, brg-brg keperluan utk hidup. Got at dano's around 8+ kali? and aku jua saja yg ada. Since ayen was still busy with kakanya so went with dano saja to ishak's house but apparently he wasn't there so i left the motor and the key along with the helmet arah the person yg ada drumah ah.
So long my friend~ It has been a good journey with you =')

HAHAHA! apa??!! utk membunuh kali??!! HAHA!

hooshiitt!! banar!!! LOL!! ok ani banar ni, accident motor somewhere in the world O.o gulp~ Nauzubillah
So followed dano balik kerumahnya and shrek and aiman were there sudah. Played FiFA and boleh dkata kan owning lah ku whole night =8) Ayyub Jon and Fatlee came jua. Makin meriah and last but not least si pembalut lah, ayen =p Had dota 2v2, stress gila laggingnya but it was fun :)

Awal-awal vespa was my motor dream~ but then it all changed after terpikat dgn manual motors~ So it was ducati!! skalinya harganya palui!! Mcm kerita haha! mcm pedah jua tu, baik kerita kan i mean if you're not gonna use your money lah~ Kalau duit ku wah, malas tah ku ingau tu~ pajak saja tia haha! Expandables lah punya pasal, jason statham~ ;)

I found this somewhere on the net and arah some random person punya blog, gila cool jua ni~ to me ;) but to him it was the 2nd ugliest~ who cares, different people different views maa~
Had fun till it was nearly 5AM! Ayyub jon fatlee and shrek balik dah tu, while the rest of us tidur sana~
I was playing against aiman, german me and france aiman!
Aku mcm leading sudah skali " German si aiman cawie!! "
Lapas atu aku sadar yg aku slah cakap haha! palui!! paning banar tah sudah tu =8) After that game tarus ku mengampai on the bed Zzz

white duca~
Oww ya~ i told my parents that i want something yg laju mcm yg utk berlumba~ nada ku tau cmana kan describe haha! Lain tplg kali apa yg dalam pikiran drang =D

A picture can describe thousand words, in this one ; Impossible kan dapat ='( HAHAHAHA!
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