Rabu, 08 Desember 2010

Modification of Motor Indonesia vs Thailand, Indonesia More Superior

Located in the Hotel Santika Jakarta, Friday, April 3 yesterday, U Mild held a discussion and sharing of experiences from the warlords modifiers Best of the Best U Mild Modification Contest 2008. Edi Kurnia, modifier home city of Palu, Gusvianto Darmawan and Sony Djaya Samsuddin from the city of Bandung and Muhammad Idris from Samarinda to share experiences visiting the 30th Bangkok International Motor Show in Bangkok International Expo (BITEX). Exhibition site manufacturers and automotive creations at the prestigious Southeast Asia is showing a variety of automotive products of two-wheeled or four wheeled, motorcycle concept model, body artwork, painting & details the latest technology and automotive manufacturers. This year the event brings Green on Wheels. The work of the modifier of the country did not miss a white elephant on display in this arena.

Responding to their chances of competing with the modifier of Thailand, winner of the contest sponsored Modified U-Mild, Sampoerna cigarette manufacturer under the group expressed optimism. The conviction was obtained after seeing the direct result of the creation of champions contest modifications there.

Compared to Indonesia, Thailand has not dared berekspresimen modifier, more disposable body kit mass production. Although it must be admitted by the quality of part modification accessories in Thailand is better, complete and diverse. "In the homeland more accessories are handmade, the quality is not good but the creativity we are far more advanced," said Young representatives from Samarinda.Perbedaan fundamental modifier modifiers us with Thailand is in style. There modification leads to the design of the motor manufacturers for mass production. The trend appears to dominate the style of racing looks modification, there is also a starting point low rider appearance. Compared to us, the modifiers Thailand less daring experiment and applications tend to be uniform in body kit.

In terms of quality we can be proud. Moreover, the quantity, motorcycle and car community that flourished in this country to make modifications to motorcycles and cars is growing. creativity and courage to cultivate the idea of local modifiers still better than Thailand. "We in Indonesia is much more extreme than their modifnya" Sonny Djaya confirmed. Modifier there amazed when shown the photos of the winners motor modifications creations U-Mild Contest. According to them these motors are like motor concept. Muhammad Idris, alias Young, modifier from Samarinda see Thai-style modification, particularly for the design of design and external appearance are still using the technique of cutting sticker, not the airbrush technique. He did not even see any realistic airbrush creations and animated dipameran it.

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