Selasa, 09 November 2010


style modification of honda tiger with a dark green color. modification honda tiger 2006 will be made as closely as possible with due beneli 756 because this bike has a very strict streetfighter style, and sporty style of the male. this motor in the modification without leaving the comfort of riding that will remain comfortable even on long-distance ride in, sehingg convenient for touring around town or around Indonesia. of inspiration modifikasi honda tiger beneli due 756 which is indeed an appropriate and relevant modifications. Although the reference of a class of European moge there but none of the waste from the motor-engine game is a follow-up of nemplok in motor sport 200 cc of this. Everything is full custom, typical home modifications that commanded A1 Modified Dul. for the front suspension are usually taken from the waste moge modifiers.
but modification honda tiger of the motor is made own tiger, with a very high creativity. For quasi-ahead earlier, the inside is still using the original Tiger. "Part of our custom exterior with tube pipe," said the man who once appeared on the rubric Profile Em-Plus as a hero custom sokbreker.since for full custom body also relies on the plate with 0,9 mm. The part that looks really mimic the Benelli was there on a kind of deltabox and bottom of the seat berkelir silver. "It is intended also as a water scoop or air . the entry point to ensure comfort while riding before, Mas Dul tank design that is fit for clamped." The new gasoline containers we made in addition to prioritizing the model, which would foot the jockey can be fixed with clamp comfortable tank. With so riding became more comfortable and safer. ever so briefly review modifikasi honda tiger with beneli due to imitate motor 756. below are the data modifications done to the motor tiger in 2006.

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